
About GMRD

Overview of Global Management Research Department (GMRD)

We focus on diversity with globalization of Japanese companies, and address the task to develop global human resources for them through promoting to investigate and study global management from a broad set of perspectives.

Definition of global management

GMRD hereby defines global management as managing diversity.

In order to realize global management, it must be indispensable to make good use of logic as a common language in diversity with enriched imagination, as a given that people, organizations and communities actually have their own attributes and cultural background no matter what regional or national differences in business management exist.

Background where global management is required

When referring to Japanese companies, globalization is commonly understood as the overseas expansion of these companies.

Many people, therefore, often limit the scope of global management to "running organizations consisting mainly of local staff members when carrying out business operations outside Japan".

Considering business management on a global scale, overseas operations can occur in a variety of forms, such as establishing production bases newly, moving into a new market, or combining both of those, and a relocation of the headquarters including R&D bases.

It should not be overlooked that globalization is also happening in Japan itself at the same time.

In Japanese companies going under the control of overseas enterprises, for example, many Japanese will be working under the orders and instructions of foreigners.

On the other hand, in Japanese companies with a number of foreigners, many Japanese will be giving orders and instructions to foreign employees in a variety of situations.

In fact, global management in a business environment, therefore, is not restricted to a given geographical location.

There are roughly two reasons that make global management difficult for Japanese companies in such an environment.

The first is the language barrier.
Not many members of Japanese organizations are able to fluently converse in a language other than Japanese.

The second reason is the fact that customs and culture that form the consciousness of people working in companies and organizations differ according to a person's country of origin.

Such problems even occur in Japanese companies run by Japanese.

M&As are aimed at compensating each other's business shortcomings. In other words, 2 or more companies combine different things into one. They inevitably confront differences in language, customs and culture in their organizations.

Even within the same company, administrative staffs and engineers may use the same words with different meanings, and such differences would be needless to mention in different companies.

As a result, GMRD hereby defines global management as the successful management of diversity.

Greeting from General Manager

In April 1984, SANNO University established the International Management Research Department (IMRD) to conduct surveys and perform research on topics such as the overseas expansion of Japanese companies and multinational companies entering Japan. The institute also plays an advisory role aimed at raising awareness in society concerning international management, and engages in mutual exchange with overseas universities and educational institutions.

During the course of approximately 30 years after the IMRD's foundation, the management environment surrounding Japanese enterprises changed drastically, with the rapid expansion of the China's economy triggered by its accession to the WTO (December 2001) and the economic development in its associated Asian region.
Joji Hirata
The IMRD was, therefore, phased out in a constructive manner at the end of March 2013 and incorporated into the newly formed organization, Global Management Research Department (GMRD), which took up operations in April of the same year.

GMRD focuses how to deal with diversity in view of the increasing globalization of Japanese companies.

It is my sincere desire that the GMRD conducts a wide range of surveys and research into issues related to global management, and also performs activities aimed at fostering human resources with a global outlook.

July 2013
Joji Hirata
General Manager, Global Management Research Department